Affirming Multivocal Humanities: On Campus and Beyond: The State of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality
WGSS awarded $100k grant from prestigious Mellon Foundation
Whether individual or collaborative, funded or unfunded, our faculty are leading national networks and conferences, providing research frameworks, engaging students, traversing international archives and making significant contributions to UMD's research enterprise.
Our faculty are at the forefront of their fields, producing transformative knowledge across the multiple disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas, within and beyond academia, that constitute women, gender, and sexuality studies.
The department is home to numerous research programs and events including annual symposia like the DC Queer Studies Symposium and Harriet Tubman Day, student conferences like our biannual Graduate student conference Interventions, and research collaborations like the University of Maryland's Indigenous Futures Lab.
In addition to our larger events, each year is filled with exciting research activities and events including book talks and gatherings that bring together feminist scholars and activists from across the university and across the globe.